
My Bullet Journal

I've been wanting to bullet journal for a while now but I always found myself a good excuse not to. With the new year starting, I decided now was going to be the time I start my own bullet journal. No more excuses !

For those who know me, it's no secret I absolutely love notebooks and have a huge collection of them (untouched). I bring them all with me wherever I go, and it really annoys my partner because I end up never using them ^^

Today I chose one of the notebooks my friend Léna sent me from the USA. It's an A5, 160-lined-page notebook. Lined pages might not be optimal for this kind of journaling as I saw that most bullet journalers use the ones with dots but it will have to do because it's the notebook I chose for this coming year's bullet journal. I really like this notebook and look forward to using it ! (It sounds like I'm applying for a job).

I didn't just guess how to proceed, I am new to bullet journaling, so I did a little bit of research first, and according to many website, my life should be changed soon !

I got inspired by many different journals I found on Pinterest . There are a few different ways of bullet journaling, it's hard to choose one so I think I'm going to use a combination of a few different styles I saw and add a personal touch.

Also, because I am a terrible procrastinator and a bit of a perfectionist, it took me more or less 4 days of trying to make a decision on which "designs" to choose for each section of my notebook before I actually started the journal. The very first time my pen touches the notebook is always the most stressful for me. I'm always afraid my pen leaks or I do something crazy for no reason.

I also had to make the decision whether I should write in English or in French and I decided French would be a good idea.

When I started this journal, my first page was the monthly calendar. So I took time to measure everything, make sure it's going to be all nice and even, I obviously wanted all the boxes to be the same size and all that. First line I draw, I miss by 1 line because there was a dirty dot on the page, resulting in a line in the middle of nowhere, that had no reason to be. Reaction : panic.
Solution : I ended up finding a really nice use for this extra section I accidentally made : because I have been moving house and places quite a lot lately, I just write where we have been staying every night in that section.
I also wrote the birthday on the top section of each day.
(yes well I blurred because I am a little bit paranoid)

On the back of the monthly calendar I keep a page for "as we go". So here I kept track (more or less) of the movies I've seen that month, some ideas and note, my "income", my spendings. Each month I've added new sections, depending on what I needed to remember or note.

At the end of the notebook I decided to make a small monthly calendar for notes for the future. Two months per page, this is how it looks :

If any of you has a bullet journal, I'd love to see it ! Please don't hesitate to share your blog.

2 commentaires:

  1. kikooooooooooooooo ! Ça faisait longtemps que j'étais pas passée sur ton blog ! C'est trop cool cette idée de bullet journal ! Je connaissais pas ! Je vais essayer d'en faire un aussi car j'adore les carnets. J'ai commencé pour journal intime et mon carnet de rêve l'année dernière et je m'y suis tenue woohoo ! Il faut qu'on se facetime bientôt quand t'as une connec internet décente :)

    1. Je réalise que j'ai écrit cet article en anglais et que j'ai linké ton blog qui est en français...
      J'ai vu que tu m'avais appelée mais comme là où je vis il y a un bébé, elle dort souvent quand les horaires sont bons pour Skype.
